Cameras, Past and Present

Click on the pictures for larger view..... the color of the border lets you know which ones you have already seen:

TO SEE ALL PREVIOUS "photo additions" to the gallery.... please go HERE

The movie camera my father used to photograph me... from my craddle to my teens.

My first camera.... used 120 rollfilm...

My first 35mm Single Lens Reflex camera.... and the book that started me on my photographic career...

The battle ship, Nikon N90s.... nearly all the photos on BPG between 1999 and 2003 are taken with this camera

My first "serious" digital camera... shown here with fish-eye lens attachment used to photograph hotel rooms

The same camera, setup for afocal projection photography through a 2" focuser

Recently acquired, my Canon EOS 30D, shown here with remote control timer

also recently acquired, the Nikon D200... this has become my favorite camera

All the photos between April 2004 and August 2006 were taken with my Nikon D100.... which I have now dedicated to my astrophotography

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copyright 2007 Stephen E. Mendes, Barbados.